Monday, August 07, 2006

Mother's Day

Mother's Day - 1, 2006
Colleague: Are you going to wish your mom today?
Me: Not really. She would be startled. All these years I have never wished her. We don't have Mother's day in India. Every day is Mother's day.

Mom: So what did you do for friendship day?
Me: What? What is friendship day now ?
Mom: Well you know, friendship day, just like you have Mother's day and father's day.
Me: You are kidding me. You know what mother's day is about ?
Mom: Of course, I called your granny and wished her. I wonder how come none of you ever wishes me.

I am still reeling. When you leave your country, you get frozen in time. I am year 2000 Indian. I sometime see poeple who have been here for a long time clinging on to stuff which folks back in India shedded long time back.


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